3 Top Things to do in Tenerife

3 Top Things to do in Tenerife

The 3 TOP things to do in Tenerife Welcome to our Top 3 things to do in Tenerife list. Here you will find a good guide and links to all these amazing places to explore.   TOP #1 Whale and dolphin watching in Tenerife. Imagine yourself in th warmth of the sun. The...
Short Finned Pilot Whale

Short Finned Pilot Whale

Short Finned Pilot Whales in Tenerife Globicephala macrorhynchus The Short finned pilot whale is found around the world in tropical and temperate oceans. They are long-lived, slow to reproduce, and highly social. They live in stable groups of 15 to 30 animals made up...
Weather in Tenerife

Weather in Tenerife

Weather in Tenerife is known internationally as an “Island of Eternal Spring” Attribution of this climatic name occurs thanks to the trade winds (commonly known as the “Alisios” winds). In the areas of the North and Northeast where humidity,...