Teno-Rasca Marine Strip.
Teno-Rasca Marine Strip is located in the western part of Tenerife. It covers an area of 69,489.68 hectares. It washes the coastline from Buenavista to Arona.
Contained in the Natura 2000 Network, announced since September 2011 as a Special Conservation Zone. Therefore its purpose is to make sure of the long-term survival of the most vulnerable animals and natural habitats in Europe. To help to stop the loss of marine diversity caused by the effect of human activities.
To conclude the community interest of this area is managed in a way to guarantee protection and improvement of different types of natural habitats and species. Achieve a sustainable balance between the progress of uses and activities in the area by adopting necessary conservation rules of the natural values it contains.

For the development of uses and activities of this area to be compatible with the conservation goals of the marine strip, it will be necessary to take into account the following considerations.
Is prohibited:
- Perform any type of waste spread from a boat located at sea.
- Anchor over seagrass beds.
- Capture or collection of animals that have some figure of protection.
- Feeding of the species in their natural surrounding conditions.
- Any activity or behavior that may annoy. Including harm or damage to dolphins, whales and sea turtles.
Whenever possible, is recommended:
- Collect those objects or waste created during the process of activities in this area.
- In case of accidental capture of protected animals first of all go-ahead and return it to sea. Especially with care to cause as little damage or harm to the marine animal.
- To avoid crashes with dolphins, whales or sea turtles, reduce the speed of transit in the area. Equally important to minimize the noise created by boats. Also, avoid maneuvers that may compromise the safety of ocean life.
- Know well enough limits of protected areas. It is a good idea to handle updated navigation charts.

Ocean Floors.
The protected Marine Strip has varied ocean floors and has great complex difficulty. It has important sandbeds without vegetation, seagrass beds, commonly known as “Sebadales”. Sand bottoms with groups of gardener eel, maërl bottoms, seaweed, whitish areas, sea caves and reef structures. The fish community is represented by at least 358 species. Such as trumpet fish, blue rooster, spiny drum and blue horse mackerel.
Tropical Conditions.
Unlike other areas, we have special conditions of warm quiet waters for much of the year. There are great depths reached near our coastline. These features make the being of large and medium dolphins or whales, registering up to 22 different species. Some of these include Bottlenose Dolphin or Short Finned Pilot Whale. These species maintain a resident population in the area throughout the year. Also, here in these waters is loggerhead turtle and green turtle. Hawksbill turtles and leatherback turtle visit the area rarely.

In Teno-Rasca marine strip there are now 1110 Sandbanks always covered by shallow seawater, 1170 Reefs and 8330 Marine caves underwater or half underwater. In addition to marine animals of community interest like loggerhead turtle, green turtle and bottlenose dolphin.
Sand Banks.
1110 Sandbanks permanently covered by shallow seawater and includes sandy banks of vegetation. Connected with different biological communities, always submerged underwater. Species of seagrasses, the most representative plentiful and ecological role, it is the Cymodocea Nodosa. They form known grass meadows. Of Great ecological importance by providing key areas of shelter, breeding and feeding for example many invertebrates and fish.
1170 Reefs.
Deep underwater reefs are hard compact essential substrates or land and rock-based origin. They extend from the coastline to the deep bottoms. By its volcano-related source, as a result ocean floors mostly rugged and rugged Rockies where there are many underwater canyons and valleys. This type of habitat can house a whole colony of underwater communities of ocean life species. Distributed according to measurement, as well as other nonliving factors. Apart from this, seaweed usually dominates the areas well illuminated, being the genera Cystoseira the more typical of the Macaronesian zone.
8330 aquatic or semi-aquatic sea caves.
Type of habitat widely represented in Canarian island ocean floors. Mostly rocky and winding relief. Lack of light prevents the growth of plant life, pushed away to the seabed. Except for some species of chalky red seaweed near the entrance. On the contrary, they make up the ideal habitat for a large number of stackless invertebrates (sponges and corals), a representative in part of deeper ecosystems, which travels freely from nocturnal habits (crabs, fish, etc.), which uses these as a safe place during day time.